Importing users and unit rentals

Import users

The User import data maps to the fields covered in the User details page.

Items below marked in bold are required fields. Custom fields column names should start with 'customFields.'

Column/Field Details
email User's email address
firstName User's first name
lastName User's last name
invoiceDate The day of the month that valet/user invoices should be generated for the user entered as a number between 1 - 31. (e.g. if set to 15, then invoices will be generated each 15th of the month). For valet storage/user invoices, this is a required field in order for the system to generate invoices. If left blank, no invoices will be generated for the user.
address User's address
phone User's phone number
area Valet storage: User's delivery area
market Valet storage: User's market is required if you have more than one market setup on your instance.
plan Valet storage: A user's plan is required if you are charging the user on a plan-based pricing model.
billingtype Payment gateway selector. Currently only applicable to Stripe. Set to "stripe" if you want to link the user with a Stripe billing profile.
billingId The user's billing ID from Stripe which usually starts with "cus_".Required if billingType is set to stripe.

Unit rentals import

The Unit Rentals import allows you to import rental details for units already in the system, including past rental data for old tenants.

When importing unit rentals:

  • If there is a conflict with an existing occupied unit rental in the system, the imported line will be skipped without overwriting the data.
  • If the start date is after the import date, Storeganise creates a reserved unit rental with a corresponding move-in job.
  • If the start date is before the import date and there is no end date, Storeganise creates an active unit rental.
  • If the start date is before the import date and the end date is after the import date, Storeganise creates an active unit rental and a move-out job for the specified end date.
  • If both start and end dates are before the import date, Storeganise creates a completed unit rental with move-in and move-out details, customer information, and price.

Items marked in bold are required fields. Custom fields column names should start with 'customFields.'

Column/Field Details
_site_code Site code - must match exactly with a site code already in the system
_unit_name Unit name - must match exactly with a unit name already in the system under the corresponding site code

Unit state at the time of import. One of the following:

  • reserved (i.e. reserved by a tenant for future move-in)
  • occupied (i.e. occupied by a current tenant)
_owner_email User's email address - must match exactly with the email address of a user already in the system
deposit The deposit is held for the unit rental (excluding tax)
price The monthly rental price to be charged (excluding tax)
startDate The move-in date/start date for the unit rental. Must be in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD
endDate The move-out date/end date of the unit rental.Can be added as a future move-out date for current unit rentals. Alternatively, use an end date in the past in case you want to import historical unit rental data. Must be in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD
_prepayment The prepayment amount (numerical value ≧0) currently being held for an occupied unit, if applicable, at the time of import for the corresponding unit rental. Note: This applies only for units that are being marked as occupied with a startDate in the past. If the unit rental is for a reserved unit rental with an upcoming move-in, leave it blank and use _prepayMonths instead.
_prepayMonths The number of months prepayment (numerical value ≧0) to be applied to a reserved unit rental to calculate the move-in invoice amount.Note: This applies only to units that are being marked as reserved with a future startDate. If the unit rental is for an occupied unit rental with a startDate in the past, leave it blank and use _prePayment instead.
invoiceDate The invoice date is the day of the month that invoices should be generated for the corresponding unit rental if you are set up for anniversary billing. Enter as a number between 1-31 (e.g. if set to 15, then invoices will generate each 15th of the month). Leave blank if you want this to default to the day of the month corresponding to the startDate / move-in date or if your instance is set up for a fixed day of the month (anniversary) billing. Note: Invoice date is applicable only if your instance is set up for anniversary billing (rather than the day of month/anniversary billing which creates invoices on a fixed day of the month for all units).
siteAccessCode The site access code for this unit rental

Unit rental charges

If you would like to add charges to a unit rental, then the following data can be added for the corresponding unit rental.

You can add multiple charges by using the same format as below but for each new charge entry, you need to add 7 additional columns as below with each charge distinguished by the numerical value in the field name.

Example: For the second charge description it would be added under a column titled charges_2_desc_en.

Column/Field Details
charges_1_desc_en Charge description (in English)
charges_1_desc_alt Charge description in alternate language (applies only if you have a dual language setup enabled)
charges_1_amount Charge amount - numerical value ( (excluding tax; can be negative)
charges_1_qty Charge quantity - numerical value ≧1
charges_1_code Accounting code - must match with the accounting code as set in your system's settings
charges_1_start Charge start date - must be in YYYY-MM-DD date format
charges_1_end Charge end date (if applicable) - must be in YYYY-MM-DD date format
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