How valet orders work

While different orders will work differently based on the processes required and respective tasks that must be completed, the overall page for any order will have these sub-tabs in common:

Creating a valet order

Valet orders can be created in one of 2 ways:

Edit a valet order

If you need to make changes to an order, click on the â ‡ icon on the top right of the screen and select "Edit order".

In the pop-up, you can make the necessary changes and then click "Update order". Click on each section to expand / collapse.

Cancel a valet order

You can only cancel an order if it hasn't yet been started. 

To do so, click on the â ‡icon on the top right of the screen and select "Cancel order".

Valet order labels

You can apply labels to valet orders by clicking on the label icon on the top right. Select one or multiple labels to add to the valet order then click elsewhere on the page to save them.

You can set up & update labels in the Label settings.

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