Set up your labels: Settings for data filtering


Labels give you the ability to create customised labels (aka tags) in the Management Portal, allowing you to filter data based on your business' needs.

You can use labels in each of the sections of the system mentioned in the Labels list and each list of labels is unique to that section so if you want the same label to apply in multiple sections, you will need to add it separately for each section.

Creating and editing labels

Simply click on the plus icon to add a new label. In the modal, enter the title and colour then click Create.

To edit a label later, click on the label then make the necessary updates in the modal.

Applying labels

When you are viewing something in the system where you can add a label, you will see a label icon on top right of the page. Click here to assign the label(s) then click outside the box and the respective labels will be applied to that entry in the system.

Using labels to filter data

When in a section of the system where you have labels setup, click on the Labels in the top of the table to select one or multiple labels and the filtered results will appear.

Select Any if you want it to return any of the entries with one of the labels applied to it.

Select All if you want the filter to be applied only to entries that have all the selected labels applied.

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