Editing email templates in Storeganise


This section of the settings panel allows you to customise the email templates, set invoice reminders and update the contact information which will appear in the emails sent out to your customers.

Email contact information

Email name

This is the name that will appear in the 'from' field in all system-generated emails sent out to your customers.

Email address

The email address that will appear as the sender and reply-to address for all system-generated emails sent to your customers.

BCC Invoice emails to

Optionally, one or more comma-separated email addresses. These addresses will receive all customer invoice emails including reminders, unit rental statement and upcoming rent change.

Email templates

Here you can modify the subject and body of all of the customer-facing emails that the system will send out. Click on an email to open the modal where you can make changes as per below. 

Available templates and their use

The email templates are divided into several sections, each tailored to specific purposes:

  • Invoicing section:
    • Invoice, Invoice charge failed, and Receipt: These templates are specific to invoices and related transactions.
  • General section:
    • Welcome, Reset password, and Confirm email: These templates are specific to customers' accounts and are used during account creation or management.
  • Self Storage section:
    • Move-in scheduled and Move-in completed: These templates are related to the move-in process, notifying customers of scheduled and completed move-ins.
    • Move-out scheduled and Move-out completed: These templates are used for move-outs, notifying customers about scheduled and completed move-outs.
    • Unit rental statement: This template provides customers with detailed statements related to their unit rentals.
    • Upcoming rent change: This template is used to notify customers about any upcoming changes to their rental fees.

Adding and updating email templates

Editing the template

If you want to edit the default template, you can do this using Markdown for formatting.

Insert placeholder

When drafting the email, you can insert placeholders for data relevant to the customer, order, unit, invoice, etc by clicking on the Insert placeholder and selecting one of the options from the dropdown. The options will vary depending on the email template you are editing.

Note: For a multiline field, like user's address, wrap the placeholder like this: <span style="white-space:pre-wrap">{{user.address}}</span>

Another option, is to use handlebar helpers to customize content in your email templates. You can check detailed information here: Using Handlebars Helpers in Your Templates

If you'd like use a custom field as a placeholder, the custom field setting must have the "User permissions" set at least to "View only". If it is set to "Not visible to customer" then the field will not appear as an available placeholder in your email templates.

Reset content

If you've made changes but you'd like to revert to the system default template for that specific email, click on the Reset content button.

Toggling between languages

If your instance is setup with multiple languages, you can switch between the languages using the tabs above the subject line. When changes have been made, the respective template with changes will be highlighted with an asterisk*.


Click on the Preview button to open up a separate window where you can preview what the email template will look like. 

Enable or disable sending of emails

You can choose whether you want each email to be sent to your customers by using the Enable email notification setting when editing an email template. When the checkbox is ticked 🗹, the email is setup to be sent to customers. When left blank, the email will not get sent.

You will see a summary of which email is enabled or disabled in the Email templates section of the email settings page.

Managing invoice reminder emails

Unlike other email templates, invoice reminder emails cannot be disabled. If you do not want these reminders to be sent, you will need to delete the email template. This will stop the reminders from being sent. Once the template is re-added, the reminders will resume as before.

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