Custom fields settings


Custom fields allow you to create your own custom data points and types of data that you want to track or use within the system.

There are different types of custom fields:

  • User custom fields: Custom data points to track for each user
  • Site custom fields: Custom data points to track for each site.
  • Unit custom fields: Custom data points to track for each unit.
  • Unit type custom fields: Custom data points to track for each unit type.
  • Unit rental custom fields: Custom data points to track unit rentals.
  • Invoice custom fields: Custom data points to track invoices.
  • Valet order custom fields: Custom data points for valet orders
  • Item custom fields: Custom data points to track items.
  • Business custom fields: These can be used in a variety of ways for broader customisation on the business level and are primarily designed for customised integrations using the API.

You can set whether these should be visible in the customer portal and whether they are required fields or not.

* Important*: Custom fields should be used carefully, particularly considering these may store Personally Identifiable Information. Therefore we strongly encourage you to limit these to just the data you need in order to transact with your clients and manage your business.

Creating custom fields

In the Custom Fields settings tab, click on the + icon to open the modal to add a new user custom field.


The system identifier for the item. This must be letters or numbers or a dash or underscore but without spaces ().

Note: Custom fields are sorted by code in the customer portal, so you can prefix custom fields by number or letters to get the desired order e.g. 01_age, 02_id-card, etc..


The title of the Custom field will show in the Customer Portal and Management Portal.


Choose whether you want this to be a required field for a customer to complete an order. If checked, the customer won't be able to proceed unless they complete the required information for this Custom field.

User permissions

This setting determines the Custom field's visibility settings for your customer (via the Customer Portal or Emails). Options:

  • Not visible to customer: The customer cannot view the data at all.
  • View only: Visible to the customer but read-only.
  • View and create (signup): Customer can only add the custom field value when creating their first order.
  • View and update: Customers can view and update the profile page later too.

Custom fields that are not visible to customers will also not be available as placeholders in email templates. If you want to use a custom field in email templates, it must be at least set up as view only. 


You can choose from 5 different types of Custom fields. Selecting different types can change the other settings. Once a Custom field is set up, the Type cannot be changed.

  • String

    These types of Custom fields can be used to provide freeform text boxes or a dropdown selector of options for the user to choose from.

    - Freeform text box: In the case that you want this to be a freeform text box, leave the Choices section blank.

    - Dropdown selector: If you want to provide a fixed set of options for the customer to choose from, enter each option on a separate line in the Choices section.

    - String parameters: In the case that you set up a freeform text box and you want to set a minimum length and/or a maximum length for what the user can enter, input the min/max length in the String parameters section. This can be left blank if you don't want to set a min and/or max length.

  • Date

    This will provide a calendar/date selector for setting this Custom field.

  • File

    This will allow users to upload files. Use this in case you want customers to upload copies of their IDs; proof of address; etc.

    Note: Files uploaded must be under 5MB per file. If you are uploading multiple files for multiple custom fields at the same time, all files in aggregate must be under 5MB. Therefore if you need to upload multiple files of larger sizes, these must be done each as a separate update.

  • Number

    Customers will be required to input a number which can include decimal places. You can use the Number parameters to set a min and/or max value for the number.

  • Integer

    Customers will be required to input a whole integer number (which cannot include decimal places). You can use the Number parameters to set a min and/or max value for the integer.

  • Order

You can order or reorder custom fields to your liking for a personalized user experience.

Updating or deleting custom fields

You can make changes to or delete a custom field by clicking on the custom field.

Note: You can only delete Custom fields if they are not being used. If you have users that have that Custom field set on their account, you will need to clear the data on the users account first before you can delete the Custom field, otherwise, you will get an error message when trying to delete the custom field. See below video:

Valet order custom fields

Valet custom fields can be used as a means to store extra information on a valet order such as postcode information; whether there are special delivery considerations; etc.

Valet custom fields will then appear in the valet order summary page and corresponding data on the custom field can be inputted for the corresponding valet order there.

Business custom fields

Business custom fields can be used to create extra settings or configuration parameters. These can then be used in a variety of ways for custom work such as in a customised user interface or a custom integration with another system using the API.

Business custom fields will then appear in the General settings tab where the respective data for that custom field can be entered and updated.

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