Invoice management


Set state back to draft

If you have an invoice that is in the sent or paid state that needs adjustment or to be deleted. You would need to first set it back to draft. Read more information here: Set invoice back to draft

Share / print an invoice

If you want to print an invoice or share a link to the invoice, click on the â‹® icon on the top right of the page and select Share/print invoice.

This will create a unique random URL for the invoice which can be shared with your customer.

Download as PDF

Invoices can be downloaded as PDFs too from the â‹® icon menu.

A similar option is available from within the Customer Portal for your clients to download a copy of each invoice in PDF format.

Resend receipt

Click on the â ‡icon on a paid invoice and choose Resend receipt to send the customer the receipt email again.

Deleting an invoice

Invoices can be deleted in the Draft state by clicking on the â ‡icon on the top right. An invoice can only be deleted if there are no associated payments. Manual payments can be deleted as outlined here: Delete manual payment.
If a payment was received via the gateway, the invoice cannot be deleted. You must create a credit note to reflect the refund provided to the customer.
Note: Only users with a Manager role can delete invoices.

Add task

You can also set a task on an invoice, this will appear on you job lists under your site. Learn more about add tasks function here: Tasks & reminder function

Mark/unmark overdue

This function is specific for overdue invoices. You can unmark the overdue invoice. However, please note that the rental can be automatically marked overdue again at 13:00 by the daily job if it still has overdue invoices. "Mark overdue" should be permanent.

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