Invoices tab overview
The Invoices tab is where you can access all new and historical invoice data.
As with the other tabs, you can filter the data based on different criteria and export the filtered data in a comma separated value (csv) file format. See more info below on the export options.
If you want to change the number of results loaded in the page, you can change this at the bottom of the page.

In addition to accessing new and historical invoice data, the Invoices tab offers a convenient view for all payments.
Data can be filtered according to these filters:
The site the invoice corresponds to (applicable to self-storage invoices).
- Active represents any unpaid invoices (Draft ; Sent ; Failed);
- Draft invoices are invoices that need to processed manually for the customer to receive the invoice or be charged;
- Sent invoices have emailed to customer and are not yet marked as paid in the system;
- Pending invoices are invoices that have been charged but are pending a response from the payment gateway to confirm whether the charge has been successful or not (this primarily applies to direct debit transactions);
- Failed invoices have had a charge attempted on the user's registered payment method but have failed for whatever reason (e.g. expired card). Customers receive a failed invoice email automatically notifying them that there was an attempted charge but the charge failed and requesting them to update the payment details in their account;
- Overdue invoices are unpaid invoices that have passed the number of days set in your instance for when an invoice should be considered overdue.
- Paid invoices have had the whole payment amount settled resulting in a balance of 0. Once an invoice is marked as paid, customers automatically receive a receipt email.
Specific to payments view, this filter allows you to filter payments based on the method used (stripe, cash, bank transfer, etc)
Allows you to filter invoices by their invoice date on a specific date or date range.
Filter by name or email address of the respective customer.
Filter by custom made labels. To learn more on creating labels, read the labels help doc.
Updating invoicing & billing settings
How the system processes invoices as a whole can be set in the General settings. Each user can have custom settings applied on how invoices are generated and processed - these can be updated in the User details page.
The text box bar at the top of the Invoices tab allows you to jump to a specific invoice based on the invoice ID.
Click on the â ‡icon and then the Export button to generate a csv file export of the data returned based on the filters you have applied. Once the file is generated, you'll see this become a green Click to download button.
The Export file includes each invoice as a single line representing the total for that single invoice.
Export (Detailed)
The Export (Detailed) file includes every line item for each invoice included in the export.
This report is ideal for importing into your accounting software to automatically create the invoices and replicate the data in Storeganise.
Bulk charge / send invoices
You can charge / send multiple invoices in one go by clicking on the â–¢ icon on the top right of the screen and then selecting the invoices you want to process.
Then click on the Charge / send button. Depending on the settings in the system and for each user, the system will then process the invoices by charging their card or sending them the invoice email.