Bulk updating data

Bulk update is applicable for the Following:

  • Units
  • Unit types
  • Site
  • Users

For example, follow the steps below to update data on the units/unit types page.

Step 1: Export the units as a CSV file

  • Log in as a manager to Storeganise
  • Go to the Units List Page / Unit type page
  • Narrow down the list of units to the ones you want to update by using filters. In this example, the user is focused on updating the five-by-five units on the first floor.
  • Click on the three dots menu and choose "Export"
  • Control which data you want to include in the export by selecting or deselecting columns
  • Make sure to include the Unit ID in the export
  • Click "Export" and wait for the file to be ready
  • Click "Download" to download the file to your computer

Step 2: Update the data in the CSV File

  • Open the CSV file in a program that can handle CSV files (e.g. Numbers on Mac, Excel on Windows)
  • Delete the rows that are not relevant to the update (e.g. the units on floor 2 in this example)
  • Update the price, deposit, or any information for the units/unit types you want to update
  • After making the changes, save the updated file:

    In Excel: Click on File > Save As > choose CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) from the dropdown menu.

    In Google Sheets: Click on File > Download > select Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet).

Step 3: Import the updated CSV File into Storeganise

  • Go back to Storeganise, to the Units / Unit types List page
  • Click on the three dots menu
  • Choose "Update Units / Unit types"
  • Choose the updated CSV file
  • Preview the update to make sure it's correct
  • Click "OK" to update the units in Storeganise

Step 4: Confirm the update in Storeganise

  • Check the Units /Unit types List Page to see if the prices and deposits have been updated
  • Click on each unit to see a log of the update in Storeganise.

Note: Bulk updating data is not available for invoices. However, it can be done via our API. You can find help documentation on how to use our API along with best practices here: https://help.storeganise.com/collection/107-developerapi

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