Importing unit rentals

In this video, you'll learn:

  • How to bulk import existing customer rental information into Storeganise using the import template.
  • Preparing the import document by linking existing user profiles with units at your facility.
  • Understanding the required fields like Site Code, Unit Name, State, Owner Email, Deposit, Price, and Start Date, and how to enter the correct information.
  • Downloading and uploading the completed import template as a CSV file into Storeganise.
  • Handling error reports if any issues occur during the import process.

By the end of this video, you'll know how to efficiently import unit rental data, ensuring seamless integration of your existing customers into the Storeganise platform.

Next up in this module: Importing multiple customer profiles

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View the transcript If you are new to Storganize and you have an active self-storage facility, you have the ability to bulk import your existing customer rental information. In Storganize, a unit rental is created by combining an existing user profile with an existing unit. So, you must first ensure that your user and unit information is created and up-to-date.

To begin preparing your customer unit rental information, you need to access the import template. To do this, navigate to your site in the Management Portal, click on the "Units" tab, then click on the three dots button. Select "Import Unit Rentals." In the window that opens, click on "this template" to open the import template in a new tab.

Next, you'll need to make a copy of this template so you can edit it. Click on the "File" button and select "Make a copy" from the dropdown. Enter a name for your document and choose where you’d like to save it. Alternatively, you can download the document as an Excel file and prepare it using any spreadsheet software of your choice. Within the import template, you will only be utilizing the "Unit Rentals" sheet, here. In this sheet, the columns that are highlighted in yellow are required fields, while the columns in white are optional fields related to more advanced information about the unit rental.

If your unit rental data includes complex details like ongoing promotions, charges, or prepayments that have already been collected, we recommend reaching out to a Storganize support representative for personalized assistance in preparing your rental import. Otherwise, preparing the import document to link existing users with your units at the correct location is quick and straightforward.

Let’s go through each required column in yellow to understand what they are and how to enter the correct information. The first required field is the Site Code, where you should enter the code for your facility. You can find this code by navigating to the "Advanced Settings" tab of your site in the Management Portal. Next, the Unit Name field must match the exact name of the unit as entered in Storganize that the customer is renting. If you need to, you can quickly export a list of all unit names from the Management Portal by clicking on the "Units" tab in your site and exporting the "name" data point. In the State column, choose "Occupied" for customers currently renting the unit or "Reserved" for customers with upcoming scheduled move-in dates. The Owner Email field is where you'll enter the email address of the customer, which must match an existing user profile in your Storganize account. Just like with units, You can export a list of all users from the Management Portal to verify email addresses if necessary. This is done by navigating to the "Users" page and exporting the ‘email’ data point. Including their first and last name is also helpful for identifying the correct customers.

For the Deposit field, enter the deposit amount collected from the customer when they initially moved in, if applicable. Enter 0 if you did not collect any deposit. The Price column should contain the monthly rental price for the unit. Finally, The Start Date must be entered in the format: YYYY-MM-DD, indicating the date the customer moved in.

There are 2 additional fields that, while not required, are helpful to be aware of. You can use the End Date column if any of your current customers have future move-outs already scheduled. And lastly, if your operation uses anniversary billing, enter the individual day of the month for their invoice period in the ‘Invoice Date’ column.

Once you’ve entered all the necessary information, download the sheet as a CSV file. Then, return to the Storganize Management Portal, click on the "Units" tab, followed by the three dots button, and select "Import Unit Rentals." In the window that opens, click "Import" and select your CSV file. The system will ask if you would like to proceed and also indicate the total amount of rentals to be imported.

If there are any issues with the import file, you’ll receive a notification with details about the specific problems, and you can download an error report for more information. If everything is correct, all of your customer rental information will be imported and Storganize will begin picking up your invoicing as determined by your account settings.

That's it! You've now learned how to bulk import your customer rental information into Storganize. For more complex data or additional assistance, feel free to contact Storganize support.
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