Developer settings

Setup webhooks to receive notifications when events happen within Storeganise.

In the Developer settings you can setup webhooks, API keys and Customer Portal integrations.


You can use webhooks to receive notifications when events happen within Storeganise. To learn more, check out the Webhooks article in the Developers (API) section of the help docs.

API keys

You can setup API keys to access the Admin API here. If you'd like to gain access to the Admin API documentation, please contact us.

API Best Practices

Please review and follow the API Best Practices any time you use the API.

Create an API key

Click on the + icon to add, choose a name (in lower case alpha-numeric format with no spaces) for the API user and select the role(s) that should apply.

For security, you should select the minimum role required for what you need to do.  For example, if you are using the API to process valet orders, just add the 'Driver' role.

View / delete an API key

Once created, you can click on the API key to view the key or to delete it.

Use an API key

To make a request with an API key, set the Authorization header in the form:

	Authorization: ApiKey <key>

Customer Portal integrations

In this section of the developer settings, you can setup the integrations with the following 3 services. These customer portal integrations will allow for tracking different types of data and analytics as well as deploying other integrations such as on-site chat. The following services are supported:

Segment ID

Segment allows you to add a number of third party integrations and analytics services.

Google Tag Manager ID

Google Tag Manager allows you to add code snippets and analytics.

Configure it from and start adding customisations

Google Analytics ID

You can use Google Analytics to track data on users visiting the Customer Portal. More information on settings this up can be found in this help article.

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