Using a custom URL to pre-select plans & items

If you want to have customers select a plan and some items from your front-end website and then go through the rest of the order process directly, you can customize the URL

Pre-selecting a Plan

To pre-select a plan use the following format by adding the plan name into the URL. Make sure that each plan name is unique and not shared with another plan: [CustomerAppURL]/[]/#/get-started?plan=[] (e.g.

Pre-selecting Items

To pre-select items in an order, add the item names and respective quantities into the URL, using the following format: [CustomerAppURL]/[]/#/get-started?[item.type]=[quantity]&[item.type]=[quantity] (e.g.

Pre-selecting both the Plan and the Items

If you want to pre-select a plan and some items, add the item names and respective quantities into the URL after the plan, using the following format: [CustomerAppURL]/[MarketName]/#/get-started?plan=[]&[item.type]=[quantity]&[item.type]=[quantity] (e.g.

Hint: You can add in as many items into the URL as you need, but they must be setup in your instance and the respective market.

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