Creating and exporting units

Adding a unit

Adding multiple units or a single unit can be done manually or with a simple import spreadsheet. The import template can be found here.

To manually add a unit, you can simply click on the + button and put in the details.

To import your units you will need to fill out the following columns on the template:

  • _site_code: Site Code should match the code you entered when first creating your site. For more information on site codes please see our 'Sites' article.
  • _type_code: Type Code will match the code of the units corresponding unit type.
  • name: The unit's name, typically a unit number.
  • width: Enter only a numerical value for the unit's width. (e.g. '8')
  • length: Enter only a numerical value for the unit's length. (e.g. '10')
  • height: Enter only a numerical value for the unit's height. (e.g. '8')
  • measure: Enter the unit of measurements, such as ft, m, meters, feet, etc.
  • floor: Enter the floor number the unit is on. If you only have a single floor you may enter '1'
  • defaultprice: Enter the unit price.
  • defaultdeposit The unit's deposit cost.
  • state: Whether the unit is 'available' (meaning ready to move in) or 'blocked'. Typically, units are marked as blocks if they are in need of maintenance, cleaning, or are presently occupied. If the unit is occupied select 'blocked' and you will update the specific rental record in a later step.

Please be sure to save or export your import template as a CSV file type.

After populating the import template, select the three dots in the upper right corner, choose Import Units, and upload the CSV file.


Click on the Export button to generate a CSV file export of the data returned based on the settings you have applied. Once the file is generated, you'll see this become a green "Click to download" button.

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