Late fees

Creating a late fee

Late fee settings are managed within the Site Advanced Settings. Click on the + icon to add a new late fee.

Late fee features

We support a range of features that define how late fees are handled:

  1. New late fee: Late fees will only be applied to invoices generated after the creation of the late fee settings. Invoices with dates prior to the creation of a new late fee setting will not be affected by it.
  2. Updating late fee: When updating values such as the number of days for a late fee, the changes will only apply to invoices generated after the update. Invoices that have already had a late fee applied based on previous settings will not be affected by the updated settings. No additional late fees will be generated for these invoices.
  3. Multiple late fees per invoice: You can assign multiple late fees to a single invoice, enhancing flexibility.
  4. Configurable number of days: Late fees are triggered based on a customizable number of days from the invoice date.
  5. Selective applicability: Late fees exclusively apply to invoices in a "Sent" or "Failed" state.
  6. Exclusions: Enhanced accuracy as late fees are automatically bypassed for invoices with negative totals (credit notes) and late fee invoices themselves, late fee also do not trigger invoice reminders.
  7. Flexible fee amount: You can adjust late fee amounts. Choose between absolute figures or amounts proportional to the invoice total.
  8. Late fee threshold: Late fees will only be applied if the remaining balance on an invoice falls below a specified minimum threshold.

Management of late fees

  • Late fees can be filtered in the UI by adding tags=lateFee in the search query:

  • A late fee detail looks like this:

  • You can also filter all the late fees emitted from an overdue invoice using the parentId filter:

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