How to automatically transfer to different Stripe accounts per site
- You'll need to have your own server, it can be free and easy using for example
Create a Stripe webhook: select charge.succeeded event, and add your server as URL
- Copy this generated code back to your server
const stripe = require('stripe')(process.env.STRIPE_KEY); const endpointSecret = process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET; function fetchSg(path, opts) { return fetch(`${path}`, { method, headers: { Authorization: `ApiKey ${process.env.SG_API_KEY}`, ...body && { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, }, body: body && JSON.stringify(body), }) .then(async r => { const data = await r.json().catch(() => ({})); if (r.ok) return data; throw Object.assign(new Error('sg'), { status: r.status, }); }); } export default async (req, res) => { const sig = req.headers['stripe-signature']; let event; try { event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(JSON.stringify(req.body), sig, endpointSecret); } catch (err) { res.statusCode = 400; res.json({ message: err.message }); return; } try { switch (event.type) { case 'charge.succeeded': const chargeSucceeded =; const { invoiceId } = chargeSucceeded.metadata; const invoice = await fetchSg(`invoices/${invoiceId}`); const site = await fetchSg(`sites/${invoice.siteId}?include=customFields`); const transfer = await stripe.transfers.create({ amount: chargeSucceeded.amount, currency: chargeSucceeded.currency, destination: site.customFields.stripeAcct, transfer_group: 'Test', }); break; default: console.log(`Unhandled event type ${event.type}`); } res.json({ message: 'OK' }); } catch (err) { console.log(err); res.statusCode = 400; res.json({ message: err.message }); } }
- Make sure to configure everything properly and test:
- Create and set Site custom field
, it should reference the Stripe account to transfer to, e.g. 'acct_1MTfjCQ9PRzxEwkZ' - SG_API_KEY env var should be set with a Storeganise API key in
- STRIPE_KEY env var is found in your Stripe settings
- WEBHOOK_SECRET env var is found in your Stripe setttings
- Create and set Site custom field