Manual invoices

In this video, you'll learn:

  • How to create manual invoices for unit rental accounts in Storeganise.
  • Adding line items to the invoice, including custom or predefined charges, and collecting prepayments.
  • Allocating funds to the deposit, prepayment, or general revenue accounts.
  • Setting descriptions, amounts, quantities, and effective dates for invoice line items.
  • Sending the invoice to the customer or applying a payment, either manually or through an integrated payment processor.
  • Processing refunds through the payment processor if needed.

By the end of this video, you'll know how to manually create and manage invoices for unit rentals in Storeganise.

Next up in this module: Utilizing prepayments for unit rentals

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View the transcript In certain instances you may need to manually raise an invoice to charge or refund a customer. Manual invoices can only be created for a unit rental account.

Let’s start by navigating to a unit rental page.

From the unit rental page, click on "Invoices" in the left menu. Then, on the invoices page, click the plus icon in the upper right corner to create a new invoice.

First, select the date for the invoice. Once that’s set, a blank invoice will appear. On this blank invoice, we can add line items by clicking the plus icon in the upper right corner. Here, we can choose to add a custom charge, a predefined charge, or collect a set number of months worth of prepayment.

Let’s add a custom charge. The first field is for the type of charge. This determines where the funds will be allocated. Choosing "Deposit" sends the funds to the deposit account. Selecting "Prepayment" allocates funds to the prepayment account. Choosing "General revenue" sends the funds to the revenue account.

Next, enter a description for the invoice line item. For example, we will call this one "Test fee." Then, enter the amount for this line item. The amount can be positive or negative. If the total of the invoice is negative, it will be referred to as a "Credit note" in the system.

Next, set the quantity for the line item, followed by the "Effective date" and the "End date". Finally, we can choose an accounting code for the line item.

Once the invoice is ready, we can either send it to the customer via email or add a payment. Payments can be entered manually, or, if a payment processor is integrated, we can charge the customer's billing details directly. Similarly, if this is a refund, we can process the refund through our integrated payment processor.

In this example, I’ll add a manual payment. And now, the invoice is marked as paid.
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