Xero add-on


Xero Add-On seamlessly integrates your Storeganise instance with your Xero business account, streamlining your financial processes. This help documentation outlines the features, functionalities, and syncing capabilities.

Please note that the Xero app is NOT a two-way sync at this time. Only payments added and invoices generated in Storeganise will be synced to Xero, not the other way around.

Steps to set up

In Storeganise:

1. Enable the add-on, Go to Main settings → Add-ons → Xero, then click on "Enable"

2. Link your Xero account and complete the setup by following the link & instructions that will appear after you enable the add-on.

One Storeganise -> One Xero account. You cannot link sites on the same Storeganise instance to different Xero accounts. The Xero add-on is installed business-wide. So all of your sites in one Storeganise instance will be linked to one Xero account ID. However, it is possible that multiple Storeganise businesses could link to the same Xero account using the same Xero account ID.

In Xero:

  1. Log in to Xero.
  2. Choose the organization to sync with.

Set up your payments

To sync payments across platforms, you must match Storeganise's payment methods with Accounts in Xero's Chart of accounts.

You can see the account list in the Chart of Accounts section.

Every organization has some default codes at the beginning. Users can create more accounts with custom codes that match Storeganise payment codes, or the payments will be assigned to one of the default accounts listed on Xero.

In rare cases, you must also set up a Xero account code for blank line items in Storeganise invoices.

For every new account you set up, check "Enable payment methods on your Xero account".

Chart of accounts > add new account > enable payments ✔️

The "Code" in Xero must exactly match the "Code" in Storeganise. Account codes are case-sensitive.

To find your payment method codes in Storeganse, go to Main Settings -> Accounting -> Manual payment methods.

Click on any of the payment methods to find the required code.

Do not use the "Title". The title is used for reference only.

Account code matching

To ensure the integration works properly, account codes in Xero must match those used in Storeganise. Set up your account codes by going to:

  • In Storeganise: Main settings -> Accounting -> Accounting codes and tax rates
  • In Xero: Accounting -> Chart of accounts

Account codes for line items

Account codes used for line items in Storeganise need to exactly match those in Xero.

For example, if Storeganise uses the code "DR01" for "Prepayments" the same code "DR01" must be set up in the Xero chart of accounts.

Repeat this for all account codes you have set up in Storeganise to view line items correctly on your invoices in Xero

When set up correctly, the line item on the invoice will display the code title:

Adding bank accounts

Bank accounts can be added to your Xero account so you can view your bank feeds and link bank account payments made in Storeganise to invoice records.

Follow these steps to add a bank account.

Viewing payments

Payments on invoices can be viewed in the payment view, not in the invoice view. You need to click the payment in the invoice to see its details.

Features, functionality, and syncing

  1. Using Storeganise account codes
    1. Functionality: Line items in Xero’s invoices will use Storeganise account codes.
    2. Syncing: Set up as part of the initial sync; no further steps are needed.
  2. Matching Storeganise payment methods to Xero bank accounts
    1. Functionality: Match Storeganise payment methods (e.g., Cash, Bank Transfer) to accounts in Xero.
    2. Syncing: Requires setting Xero account IDs for each bank account in Storeganise (detailed above)
  3. Invoice Sync
    1. Functionality: Sync non-draft invoices from Storeganise to Xero. This means only invoices in 'sent' and 'paid' states
    2. Syncing: Xero syncs with Storeganise once daily at 3 am in the business’s time zone. Only invoices created after enabling the integration will sync. Example: If the integration was enabled on April 1st, only invoices from April 1st onwards will sync to Xero. All invoices from before March 31st will NOT be synced.
  4. Payment Sync
    1. Functionality: Sync payments made on invoices in Storeganise to Xero. The status in Xero will be 'awaiting payment' before it changes to 'paid'
    2. Syncing: All payments on an invoice in Storeganise are synced in Xero. Requires enabling payment methods on your Xero account. The payment method is NOT displayed on the Invoice view, but on the Payment view:

      payment view
  5. Contact Sync
    1. Functionality: Sync contacts associated with invoices from Storeganise to Xero.
    2. Syncing: Only users associated with synced invoices are synced to Xero.
  6. Credit notes
    1. Functionality: Display negative invoices in Storeganise as credit notes in Xero, including refunds that are processed through a credit note.
    2. Syncing: Negative invoices in Storeganise are displayed as credit notes in Xero with a yellow mark.

Where to find invoices:

Invoice list
  1. Error messages
    1. Functionality: Provide a syncing history to track errors during integration. Display errors as tasks in Storeganise
    2. Syncing: The display task will be attached to each error invoice. When the number of errors reaches the task limit (10 errors), the addon will pause, and a task will be displayed to notify the user.


If an invoice is already synced with a ‘paid’ state in Xero and then set back to draft in Storeganise to delete a line item or the entire invoice, it will not sync in Xero.

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