Setting up Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Storeganise does not offer support for GTM use or guarantee that any custom GTM code will work within Storeganise. Additionally, periodic updates to the Storeganise API could impact or even break how custom GTM code works. Please note also that many users may not see changes made via GTM due to the widespread use of ad-blockers.


You need to have Google Tag Manager installed and configured before you can connect it to Storeganise. If you don't have GTM installed, please read the following articles by Google or consult with your web development team.

Storeganise can connect to Google Tag Manager (GTM) directly from your Management portal settings.

Log in to your Storeganise account. Click on your name in the top right corner and select Main Settings.

Open the Developer tab in the left menu and scroll down to Customer Portal Integrations where you will see an option to add Google Tag Manager ID. Paste your GTM Container ID here and click Save.

How to find your GTM ID?

Log in to your Google Tag Manager account. Near the top of the window, you will find your container ID, formatted as "GTM-XXXXXX".

Copy this ID and paste it to your Storeganise Google Tag Manager ID field in the Developer settings.

Test your GTM container

You GTM should now be connected to your Customer portal. Let's test if everything is working properly.

Log in to your GTM and click on the Preview button in the top right corner.

A new window will open. Enter the URL of your Customer portal or your Storeganise website (example: or

GTM will now open your website in a new window. If the connection is established successfuly, you will be able to see a message in the bottom right corner.


Can we add Facebook pixel through GTM?

Yes, once you set up GTM you can proceed to setup Facebook pixel. More details can be found here: Facebook pixel setup

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