Business overview display dashboard
The Dashboard is meant to give you a quick snapshot of your business data.
Note: All data, aside from the Upcoming orders data is shown as of the close of business of the previous day (i.e. the data is updated once).
Detailed reporting
If you want detailed order, user, item, or invoice data, there are detailed export reports available from each of these sections of the system.
Dashboard data
Numerical data at the top will show you how many items you have in storage; how many items are currently marked as being with the user; your number of upcoming valet orders and the number of registered users.
The graphs give you a more granular overview. Scroll over the graphs to see more data for specific dates.
The graphs give you a more detailed overview. Hover over the graphs to see additional data for specific dates.
Items in storage
When you scroll over a date, you'll see the detailed number of items marked as being in storage for a particular date, broken down by each item type.
Unassigned items
This shows you the number of different empty boxes you have available in the system that are ready to be used in new valet orders and sent out to users.
Upcoming valet orders
All upcoming valet orders are currently booked. This is the only section of the dashboard that shows live data (not previous-day info).
Users are people who are registered on your instance of Storeganise. Active users are a subset of users that are currently active customers (i.e. storing items with you).