How to create a new site

From the Sites tab there are two methods of creating a site: manually or with the Storeganise import template.

Manually adding a site

To manually add a site first click on the + (plus) icon in the right corner.

You will then be prompted to add your site's information.

After entering your information click 'Add site.' Your site will now display in the list area.

Importing a site

Adding a site or multiple sites can be done with the Storeganise import spreadsheet.

First, click on the three dots in the right corner.

Next, click on 'Import sites.' You will then be prompted to either download the template as a csv file or open in Google Sheets.

In the import template, you will find several columns associated with different fields of information. Enter the relevant site information into each column.

Note: Items marked in bold with an * are required fields.

Column/Field Details
* code
Site code in lowercase characters with no spaces or special characters (- and _ are OK)
* title.en Site title (in English)
address.en Site address (in English)
phone Site phone number
email Site email address
image The URL for the image to be used for the site.
subtitle.en General site information
lat Latitude for the site location
lng Longitude for the site location.

After entering your site information export or save the file as a csv file type. Then simply upload the file into the prompt and your site(s) will be added.

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